The controversy over whether Obama is actually legal to run for the highest office in the land just keeps getting hotter and hotter. Ids this the October Surprise? What a bunch of crap this is, that the DNC would actually fight to silence the lawsuit, instead of just shutting up the critics by disproving the assertion.
According to reports, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District court nearly two months ago, by claiming that Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. – Fine – Fair enough, now just SHUT HIM UP by disproving this ridiculous assertion!
He even says that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit, so what’s the flippin’ problem? Why have lawyers for Obama and the DNC filed a joint motion to dismiss Berg’s lawsuit? Is that really easier than just proving that his birth certificate is legal? Why risk it?
Says Berg – “I’ve been on about 50 radio shows around the country, and on every one I’ve put out a challenge: Barack Obama, if I’m wrong, just come forth with certified copies of these documents and I’ll close down the case.”
Despite assertions by the Washington Post, and other organizations that Obama has actually produced a certified birth certificate from Hawaii, Berg says he remains “99.99 percent sure” that the certificate is a fake. He wants a court, not a website, to determine its validity, and that REALLY doesn’t seem unreasonable.
Sounds like an easy way to shut him up would simply be to verify his birth, doesn’t it? Am I wrong? NOW, I’m getting suspicious, to be honest. Is there truth to this seemingly preposterous claim?
Look at the comments by people on this Digg post. The rabid partisans are seizing upon this in a big way, and all Obama has to do to shut them up would be to verify the damn document, yet they don’t – WHY?
And, giving the candidate the complete benefit of the doubt here, lets say his hospital birth records were destroyed by a fire, and levels of burocracy and red tape, and Homeland Security or whatever are making verification take forever, then FINE. Just SAY SO, and address the issue!
I’m sorry, but this really stinks badly. Even if it’s patently untrue, the appearance of impropriety is out there, and the damage has been done. Whomever made the decision to fight this instead of simply disproving it should be fired.
If I was Obama, I would not do anything that might make this rumor go away. It may fill the Right Wing base with false hope to feed their denial of their situation but it looks real Wing Nutty to everyone else.
Keep up the good work. To Paraphrase Pogo, “You have met the enemy and he is you!”
Boy, that seems like a risky strategy, “feeding false hopes” but you may be right, and it sure does sound & look nutty.
You know, I used to argue with fellow Republican’s about the validity of his citizenship. He has let this drag on for so long that it is starting to make me suspicious. They made the same argument about McCain and he shut them up realy quick, Obama should do the same because it would do MORE damage to Republicans who are promoting this agenda and discredit them as conspiracy theorists. It is counter-productive for the Obama administration and the DNC to silence it. Even if it were a good idea to fill Rep’s with “false hope” then why supress it? Just make it go away.