- Category: Our Society
- 30 years of Changes in Society
- A Tale of Two Houses
- A Win-Win Political Solution?
- Answering the Conservative Talking Points
- California Vs. Alaska Comparison
- Comparing US vs. Japanese Ingenuity
- Darrell "Shifty" Powers - Thank You
- How Many Zeros in a Billion ?
- I Am Fed Up
- PETA's UnHappy Campaign
- President Obama's New Office Policies
- President Obama's Online Town Hall March 26, 2009
- So Disgusted...
- Spelling Bee Controversy | Seriously?
- Stop the AWNAA - Americans With No Abilities Act
- Troops: No Smoking Please?
- We Are Stupid Americans
- Why Can't Joe Get a Good Job in America?
- Category: Politics
- A Speech We'll Never Hear
- A Tale of Two Houses
- A Win-Win Political Solution?
- America is Not a Religious Country
- An Easy Decision in 2008?
- Answering the Conservative Talking Points
- Barack Obama - The Leader of the the Free World
- Barrack Obamas Accomplishments
- Calling it for Obama
- Congressional Page Scandal for Republicans
- Congressional Reform
- Crappy Political Promises
- Democratic Mailing
- Democrats Deserved Victory Yesterday
- Economic Mess is the Fault of Few
- Fear Videos in Politics are Disgusting
- Full Video of President Obama's Inauguration Speech
- Good Policies - Wrong Candidate
- Halloween Under an Obama Administration
- Hillary Is the Clear Choice?
- Hillary KFC Cartoon
- How Many Zeros in a Billion ?
- John McCain's Sons
- Knox Response to GM Bailout Request
- Mc Cain vs ? in 2008
- McCain's Lies
- Michelle Obama at Homeless Soup Kitchen
- Obama Is Not a US Citizen?
- Obama's School Speech: Should it be allowed?
- Obamas Weekly Address | 11-21-2008
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