Category Archives: Politics

A Win-Win Political Solution?

Is it possible that there’s a political solution to fixing the woes of the United States, or is our country destined to become a cesspool of incivility and hostility, as we watch both the left and the right drive us to bankruptcy?

We Can Replace 545 People

This is not a matter of left or right, or Republican or Democrat, or liberal vs. conservative.

It’s a matter of right and wrong, and a matter of the corrupted representation we have in the government who are driving the United States into bankruptcy and potential extinction. They should all be ashamed…

Congressional Reform

I know many of you will say, “this is impossible” but since Congress has the lowest approval of any entity in Government, now is a  time when Americans could actually join together to reform Congress – the entity that represents us. It’s not a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s a moral and ethical one, to keep out country strong.

America is Not a Religious Country

President Barack Obama said recently in Turkey that  –  “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”

The Benefits of Sleep

In this third world country which I call home, a taste of the good life is always a good night’s sleep away.  Maybe that’s why for some, they simply wake up no more.  But then again for others, as soon as they wake up, they pack their bags up, they leave the country which gave birth to them and they bring the hope that the better life could finally be found in that land where almost everything comes in Extra Large.

Obama’s School Speech: Should it be allowed?

The current controversy over President Obama’s planned back to school speech has been met with much hesitation and rightfully so. In the past only dictators and socialists have specifically addressed the youth of America. Many parents and even school officials have been outraged by the Presidents current plan.

On the Road – they’re fighting hunger; go along

Recently the World Food Programme launched a video blog called On the Road –

It’s gritty and personal. The bloggers are aid workers for the UN World Food Programme on the field, who often are working against the clock on their laptop’s battery’s life to edit and post their video blog posts. It looks at their everyday experiences, without the confusion of politics or media.

Democratic Mailing

This came today via email from and I’m posting it here completely unedited – I’m sort of stunned – what do you think?

In the last few months, we’ve made more progress on health insurance reform than we made in the previous 60 years. You can tell from the reaction of reform opponents that we’re doing something right.

Michelle Obama at Homeless Soup Kitchen

Recently Michelle Obama went to serve food to the homeless at a government funded soup kitchen.

Cost of a bowl of soup at homeless shelter $0.00 dollars

Having Michelle Obama Serve you your soup $0.00 dollars