Democratic Mailing

This came today via email from and I’m posting it here completely unedited – I’m sort of stunned – what do you think?

In the last few months, we’ve made more progress on health insurance reform than we made in the previous 60 years. You can tell from the reaction of reform opponents that we’re doing something right.

Special interests who profit from the status quo are spreading brazen lies that stir up anger, and Republican leaders are chiming in with over-the-top rhetoric that detracts from the public debate. Just last week, Rush Limbaugh insinuated that President Obama was comparable to Adolf Hitler.

It’s a perfect example of “the old politics of fear and division” that President Obama talked about during his campaign. But there is too much at stake, too many Americans facing rising health care costs and shrinking paychecks, for us to let the politics of yesterday prevail.

The last thing opponents of reform want is a positive, civil debate. They know they’ll lose on the merits, so they’re turning to lies and division. It’s up to us to expose each distortion for what it is: a lie, plain and simple. If we do that, we’ll better our politics — and bring badly-needed reform.

Monday, the White House launched a new online resource that could help — a “Reality Check” site to help Americans clear up health care lies and misinformation. Visit the site today — and then send it to your friends so that everyone you know learns the truth.

Whether it’s a parent wondering how reform will affect seniors, an old friend confused about a lie they’ve heard, or just a concerned co-worker, we all know someone with questions about reform. The “Reality Check” site answers those questions and sets the record straight on lies that have been circulating.

But it’s up to each of you to make sure they see it — so make sure to send it their way today.

With news of disruptions at some town halls, it’s easy to forget the progress we’ve made. But because of your continued commitment, the tide is turning. Supporters of reform now outnumber opponents at many town halls. And when we win the fight for health insurance reform, it will be not only a momentous accomplishment, but a sign that it’s possible to defeat the angry politics of the past.

There are too many folks in Washington who are willing to lie for partisan gain, or engage in hateful rhetoric to score political points, for reform to come easily. We all need to step up — and it starts with you passing along “Reality Check” today:

We face too many challenges together — we can’t afford to continue the slash and burn politics of yesterday. Please stand with me and fight for the truth.

Thank you,

Governor Tim Kaine

4 thoughts on “Democratic Mailing

  1. Richard

    Thanks Governor Tim, for your battle to reform this obsolete health care system, so many making money like pharmaceutical companies. We will defeat those conservatives only thinking about getting richer every year, and the middle and poor can’t get any worse now.

  2. Elizabeth

    Looks like Democrats will pass the bill alone? we just hope that the insurance companies, who get a lot of tax reductions on their expensive health care plans to over paid americans, will be taxed higher and with the money maybe more working class citizens get some protection. Everything is getting complicated.

  3. Paul

    Who is sending the wrong message about pulling the plug on grandma? There is nothing on the bill saying that; however, the media and some Republicans are not informing the public. If there is no public option, there is no health care reform. This needs to get out of the close, so everybody understands, what is going on.

  4. Mr. Koolaid Post author

    Wow @Richard- “defeat those conservatives only thinking about getting richer every year” ? Do you really believe that?

    @Paul – What do you believe would constitute a “public option” anyway?

    Out of 300 million Americans 85% do have health insurance, and the US health care is the best in the world, but leaving about 45 million Americans uninsured.

    Of those 45 million, NONE are EVER “refused” care, and our counties emergency rooms are packed right now with people standing in line to see the doctor without insurance, and none of them are turned away, not even “undocumented aliens” – None – Ever – None.

    Uninsured doctor visits and surgeries take place day after day in the US, and the majority of cost is borne by the other 85% of the population, and the US taxpayer.

    The big problem is cost. Many Americans can be forced into bankruptcy even WITH insurance, and THAT’s really the problem.

    Is it perfect? Hell no. Is reform needed? Hell YES! But is there a single page of tort reform, which would limit the absurd multi-million dollar malpractice settlements that US juries love to reward? Hell no!

    The mere THREAT of a malpractice suit almost invariably brings 6 and 7 figure settlement offers, because insurance companies are getting raped by the attorneys and legal system.

    Are doctors and hospitals blameness? Of course not, and i never said they were but there3 MUST be limits placed, because costs are skyrocketing directly because of the legal system. There HAS to be a compromise.

    Instead, we’re talking about an ENTIRE government takeover of huge proportions, to “help” a minority of uninsured, that already do get medical care.

    I CERTAINLY think the system is screwed up, and we all pay WAY too much, but what other contry “has it right”?

    Also, what indication do we have that the US government can do it right when the only example anyone has to point to is the US Medicare system, which is already on the verge of bankruptcy.

    Turning my kids future health over to this unknown entity that nobody can explain, not to mention the almost bankrupt US government, at this time in history seems incredibly dangerous and stupid.

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