The Democrats now control the house, and may even take the Senate by the time the dust settles, and all I can say it that they deserved it. They deserve it, because the Republicans did not.
Since 1994, the Republicans have had a chance to accomplish some, or even all of the things that they first started crowing about in the early 1990’s, and they completely blew it. Frankly, I’m surprised they hung on this long after the all of the runaway spending, and business as usual politics and scandals.
When George Bush took over in 2000, with control of both houses of congress and the presidency, I thought there was going to be no stopping the Republican juggernaut, but I was wrong.
The Republicans managed to screw up their mandate, and lost the trust of the American people by being every bit of the corrupt and self serving politicians that their critics claimed they were, and now their party is over.
Special interests and money talk louder than ever in todays Washington DC, and it’s enough to make you sick. The Dixie Chicks aren’t the only ones that are ashamed to be American.
The sad part about this Democratic victory yesterday to me is that instead of coming in with new ideas, and an honest intent to right our misguided direction, I suspect that Nancy Pelosi and her crew will now set out to “investigate” supposed past misdeeds by previous (and current) officeholders, including the president.
Rather than productively trying to get their own agenda passed, and adding some intelligence to the discussions, I predict that 2007 will see Democrats on the attack, holding pointless hearings, dwelling on ancient history, and trying to further blemish the record of more Republicans, so that the democrats will do better in 2008. This will only serve only to further disgust the American people, and drive a deeper wedge between the left and right.
The media keeps telling us that Democrats hate Republicans, and Republicans hate the Democrats, and that the country has never been more divided. That may be true, but I think we’re seeing a common loathing for politics and politicians in general, and unless something changes, we’ll continue to see voter turnout drop, and the country generally lose interest as we continue the decay of our society.
The Dixie Chicks said they are ashamed to be from the same STATE as Bush, Texas, they’re not ashamed to be Americans. Embarrased maybe, but not ahamed