Category Archives: Politics

What Really Caused This Economic Crisis?

This video has been removed twice from YouTube, but people keep putting it back.

Over 1.6 million people have already seen it, but that’s not enough, and the election looks like it’s pretty much over, with McCain going to get smoked pretty badly.

Good Policies – Wrong Candidate

This is a shameful example of why many people are going to vote the way they will.

Is it hard to believe that people can really be this stupid? Not to me, but then I spent a long time in the retail management field dealing with the public…

Uncommitted Voters Are Idiots

What a hillarious (yet true) blog post this is, but I have to admit that even I am still on the fence and could be swayed either ways with the right sort of lies told to me by a candidate that actually seemed to “get it”.

Fear Videos in Politics are Disgusting

Someone sent me a link to this video today, and in the subject line was “Scary Stuff” – except for the unfortunate choice of pants, I can’t see anything scary about that video, showing a bunch of African American youth chanting slogans of responsibility.

VP Debate Missed the Mark

When Joe Biden said last night in the vice presidential debate that he thought the bankruptcy courts should not only be allowed to adjust the interest rate, but adjust the balance as well, my jaw nearly dropped.

Why Would McCain Choose Palin?

I certainly have nothing negative to say about her and in fact know very little. She may be highly competent and have a big political future ahead of her, and for all I know, we might agree on many issues. That’s not the point though.

Time For Some Campaignin’

This is a pretty funny video, that’s not leaning either to the left or to the right side of the political spectrum…

It’s just funny 😉

Barrack Obamas Accomplishments

This is pretty interesting… You would think if you’re going to go on television in support of a candidate, you would have a couple of things to cite in case the subject came up, wouldn’t you?

How Many Zeros in a Billion ?

Another email receipt here, but funny and true. In my opinion, no political party is responsible, but bot have allowed it to happen…


The next time you hear a politician use the word ‘billion’ in a casual manner, think about
whether you want the ‘politicians’ spending YOUR tax money.

John McCain’s Sons

This came to me by email from a (quite) conservative friend…

Talk about putting your most valuable where your mouth is! Apparently this was not “newsworthy” enough for the media to comment about. Can either of the other presidential candidates truthfully come close to this? … Just a question for each of us to seek an answer, and not a statement.