Category Archives: Politics

Hillary Is the Clear Choice?

We have at the present time three choices for President of the United States of America.  The candidates are;


Here is a man that insists on ‘change’ in the way Washington does politics.  He wants to change the system with new, young and fresh blood.  The only problem is that the man is a ‘walking contradiction’ (thanks Kris).

Answering the Conservative Talking Points

1. You have to be against capital punishment,

<<Hey Cons, waaaaay too too costly. Thought you Con(men) didn’t believe in government waste.

but support abortion on demand.

<<Hey, Cons, you think the right to choose, the right to PRIVACY, should be infringed? Hey Cons, choose NOT to have one.

Stop the AWNAA – Americans With No Abilities Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Congress is considering sweeping legislation which will provide new benefits for many Americans.

The Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA) is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills, education or ambition.
“Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society,” said California Senator Barbara Boxer.

Crappy Political Promises

As we head into election season, I thought that this image summed up what most politicians seem to be completely full of. Did you notice the license plate?


McCain’s Lies

Looks like the other side isn’t at all happy with McCain as the likely candidate. Thomas Sowell, well knon conservative columnist says this:

“The fact that McCain makes short, blunt statements does not make him straight-talker

What Does Barrack Obama Say? Is it Really Nothing?

Can we really call this a response to the Bush’s State of the Union Address?

I’ve watched this twice, and I’m sorry, i just don’t get it. I WANT to like him – I WANT to, really. But I’ve yet to hear him utter a single PLAN of ACTION. He’s not responding, he’s complaining. What’s he going to do better?

Mc Cain vs ? in 2008

Fresh off his victory in the Florida primary, Sen. John McCain is poised to take another big prize… Giulianis spot.

GOP sources tell us that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani plans to drop out and endorse McCain, which would give McCain added momentum heading into a debate Wednesday and next week’s Super Tuesday.

Hillary KFC Cartoon

This is funny, regardless of your political persuasion. 😉

Got links to other cartoons?


An Easy Decision in 2008?

This arrived via email and was credited to:
Theo Caldwell, National Post ( Canada ) Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An obvious choice can be unnerving. When the apparent perfection of one option or the unspeakable awfulness of another makes a decision seem too easy, it is human nature to become suspicious.