Why Would McCain Choose Palin?

I certainly have nothing negative to say about her and in fact know very little. She may be highly competent and have a big political future ahead of her, and for all I know, we might agree on many issues. That’s not the point though.

In my opinion the presidential election is simply a marketing campaign. Whoever gets their message to appeal to the widest number of people in the middle, is going to win. There’s a committed last and committed right that are firmly set in their ways and could not be swayed under any circumstances to vote for the other party.

However, I believe that the vast majority are in the middle, and would be willing to listen to rational arguments from both sides and make an intelligent decision from there.

I would sure love to know the thought process behind McCain picking his running mate. One of the huge advantages he may have had over Obama was his experience. Now he’s chosen a one term governor, who was previously the mayor of a small town. Is she really qualified to be the first person in line for the presidency, and if something happens to currently 72-year-old John McCain.

Sometimes political campaigns make the absolute stupidest mistakes, and I just can’t help thinking that this is one of them.

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