Category Archives: Religion

John McCain’s Sons

This came to me by email from a (quite) conservative friend…

Talk about putting your most valuable where your mouth is! Apparently this was not “newsworthy” enough for the media to comment about. Can either of the other presidential candidates truthfully come close to this? … Just a question for each of us to seek an answer, and not a statement.

Answering the Conservative Talking Points

1. You have to be against capital punishment,

<<Hey Cons, waaaaay too too costly. Thought you Con(men) didn’t believe in government waste.

but support abortion on demand.

<<Hey, Cons, you think the right to choose, the right to PRIVACY, should be infringed? Hey Cons, choose NOT to have one.

A Talk With Jesus – Money is the Root…

Often when I am troubled or confused, I find comfort in sitting in my backyard and having a vodka martini and a quiet conversation with Jesus.

This happened to me recently after a particularly trying day. I said, “Jesus, why do people work so hard?”

The Pope Should Apologize because…

According to the news I saw when I woke up today:

Pope Benedict XVI apologized in person on Sunday for offending some Muslims with a recent quotation from a medieval text that said Islamic teachings on holy war were “evil and inhuman.”

Wow! The Pope’s outragious comments seemed have sparked some unrest. According to the CBC -Â