President Obamas Weekly Address for July 25th, 2009
The President discusses a key factor that has been considered in the development of the health insurance reform proposals that are being considered: the impact of reform on small business.
The President discusses a key factor that has been considered in the development of the health insurance reform proposals that are being considered: the impact of reform on small business.
The President calls on Congress to seize this opportunity one that may not come again for decades and finally pass health care reform: Its about every family unable to keep up with soaring out of pocket costs and premiums rising three times faster than wages.
Recovery and the Jobs of the Future
The President explains how the Recovery Act helped end our economic free fall, and how his agenda is helping to set a new foundation for our economy.
The President recounts Americas great history of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges, and pledges to lead America in continuing that tradition.
Focusing on creating a clean energy economy, comprehensive health reform, and revitalizing an education system in need of change, the President pledges not to leave these decades-old problems to yet another generation to solve. July 3, 2009.
The President praises historic energy legislation passed by the House of Representatives.
The legislation will help America create green jobs, ensure clean air for our children, move towards energy independence and combat renewable energy. July 27, 2009.
The President explains his plan to address one of the major causes of the current economic crisis – the breakdown of oversight leading to widespread abuses in the financial world.
The new Consumer Financial Protection Agency will have the sole job of looking out for the financial interests of ordinary Americans by banning unfair practices and enforcing the rules.
The President has long noted that skyrocketing health care costs will be disastrous for our long term national debt unless we pass real reform.
In this Weekly Address, the President also explains how he will cover the upfront costs of reform by eliminating overpayments to Medicaid and Medicare and driving down costs contributing to governments health care expenditures across the board.
The President discusses the breadth and depth of experience held by his nominee for the Supreme Court.
In the course of a life that began in a housing project in the South Bronx and brought her to the pinnacle of her profession, Judge Sonia Sotomayor accumulated more experience on the federal bench than any incoming Supreme Court Justice in the past 100 years, touching nearly every aspect of our legal system. May 30, 2009.
President Barack Obama calls on the American people to join him in paying tribute to Americas veterans, servicemen and women particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice – and their families.
The President discusses breakthroughs on two issues where stakeholders from all sides, once opposed, are coming together for real reform. On health care and energy, solutions would provide key pillars for a new foundation for the country.